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Showing posts from 2018

Begin at the beginning.

Not really sure how to start. Perhaps I should start at the beginning. Isn't that where you're supposed to start? What's the saying? Begin at the beginning and end at the ending? Well, I don't know where this will end, but here's where it begins. In August 2016, my grandmother slipped down the stairs. I bugged her into going to a doctor so we could know if they were broken or not. That's how we work. As a team.  They did the x-ray, and found a mass on the opposite side to the not-broken-just-bruised ribs. Another x-ray, more antibiotics, and another x-ray, and another CT, and a PET scan, and a biopsy. In November 2016, my grandmother was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer. I say that with capital letters because from that moment on, it was the headline in our lives. The first consultant oncologist told us she had 6 months, even with chemo. We left that appointment feeling like the world was crashing down, like a wrecking ball had been swung through my